Typically, when you think of a boat, you suppose “well, if it’s a body of water then a boat can go on it”, right? Well, yes, you are right that a boat can go on any kind of water, but must they? Yes, it can go in salt water, but it shouldn’t go in salt water, because salt water may damage the boat.
What Is A Bass Boat
A bass boat is a flat fishing boat that is mainly equipped for bass fishing. They are generally made of aluminum, which makes them both lighter and cheaper. There are fiberglass models which are a little heavier and tote a heftier charge tag. Bass boats are generally geared up with a higher-powered outboard motor. They additionally usually have a lot of aspects that make it simpler to fish. They usually have rod holders, insulated coolers, a rod box, recirculating live wells, and more.
Can You Use A Bass Boat In Saltwater
Well, yes, you are correct that a boat can go on any physique of water, however, do they need to?
Believe it or not, there are boats that are made for positive kinds of water and environments, and a bass boat was absolutely no longer meant to be used in Saltwater. But why? Well, some boats surely just are now not equipped to handle the hard nature of the water, bass boats being one of them. There are some bass boats that are already geared up to take care of saltwater, but be prepared to pay a tremendous penny.
How Damaging Is It
Most Bass Boats come standard with carpeted flooring. Obviously, in either type of water, the carpet is going to get wet, which is why that isn’t the problem. The problem is that carpet will hold onto the saltwater much longer than freshwater. This will beget the sub-flooring of the boat to rot due to the saltwater destroying the wood underneath.
The Engine
Still, know that taking your bass boat into saltwater is a veritably bad idea if you have bought a bass boat with an inboard motor. Generally, boats that generally travel in saltwater have motors that have corrosion-resistant parcels because the salt water isn’t really ideal for the essence used to make it. Whether this means the corridor was covered in a corrosion-resistant coating or used stainless steel parts, or both, saltwater engines were made tough for a reason.
A bass boat’s motor wasn’t built with these properties because bass boats are meant for freshwater. However, you could risk ruining it by taking it out to the ocean, if you have a bass boat with a built-in motor or inbound motor. If you have an outboard motor you would have to change it to a saltwater-friendly motor before using it in the ocean.

The Steering System
The steering systems that are in bass boats aren’t designed for saltwater. They have a lot of factors in them that aren’t equipped to handle the corrosion that saltwater inflicts. effects like cables, knobs, pivot arms, hydraulics, cylinders, etc. will all be destroyed by corrosion if you take your bass boat into saltwater. Of course, these problems aren’t going to show themselves incontinently, but if you’re going on months of use in saltwater you’ll notice your steering system starting to indurate up or fully stall. However, it would be stylish to replace your steering commodity that’s meant to repel swab water, if you know you’re going to be using your bass boat in saltwater for an extended period of time. This will be a precious bid but it’s the only way to ensure that your steering system doesn’t come compromised due to corrosion.
The Electrical System
It doesn’t really count what kind of boat you have, your electrical systems will always be affected by saltwater. The difference is that saltwater boats go through redundant lengths to apply erosion-resistant parcels to their electrical systems like coatings on wires and joints, or waterproof casings around everything. Since this upgrade is kind of precious, it’s surely not standard in a bass boat. Since bass boats are intended for brackish use, manufacturers don’t go to great lengths to cover the electrical system from saltwater the same way that they do for saltwater-friendly vessels. However, you guessed it, corrosion will help it from working properly if your electrical system is exposed to saltwater.
The Boats Hardware
Unlike saltwater-friendly boats, bass boats are generally made with essence hardware with chrome-plated additions. Chrome isn’t a friend to saltwater and will generally corrode enough snappily. A standard essence in saltwater boats is stainless steel. Stainless steel offers a strong, corrosion-resistant bond for the boat that will last through the tough saltwater. However, you’ll start to notice that those rudiments suffer from corrosion if you take your bass boat with chrome embellishments and tackle it out in saltwater for an extended period of time. This can be a veritably big problem because some of the chrome elements on a bass boat are mischievous in their use like anchor cleats, door hinges, carpet trim, cleats, storage consoles, etc.
The Trim Tabs
Trim tabs are a point on utmost saltwater boats that give them lift that compensates for changes in speed, weight distribution, and water conditions. This is helpful because if you’re traveling in a wavy area, you can raise the trim tab so that the boat isn’t hitting the waves head-on, and thus they don’t fill with water. Bass boats obviously don’t have this kind of addition because in brackish you aren’t going to encounter a scenario where they would be needed. However, you may hit some waves that are a little bigger and swamp your boat with water, which obviously isn’t ideal for a boat, if you take your bass boat out on the water.
Although it isn’t smart to be taking your bass boat onto the ocean, it’s possible to do. It’ll bring you a few bucks to duly equip your boat to travel in salt water, still, brackish bass boats are around$ average, and if you don’t watch about having to buy another one in a few months, you can just take it out as is. I don’t know about you, but I would prefer not to waste knockouts of thousands of dollars on replacing a bass boat if I don’t have to.